Rule 2: Acceptable Content
No Roleplaying
Roleplay, also known as RP, is not permitted anywhere in the server. Small actions such as -hugs- and -cries- are tolerated, but if it progresses into a wide-scale RP chat, you will be asked to stop.
No Spamming
Unreasonably direct messaging or pinging members or being disruptive in any chat is not allowed. Additionally, please never ping the GT Cast. If you need help or have a question related to the server, you can ask in <#516027780908056578>.
In general, any unnecessary pings anywhere should be avoided.
No Shitposting
'Shitposting' describes any messages that disrupt a conversation or channel with humorous intent. We have a channel dedicated to this, <#353766146115371009>, so shitposts are not allowed elsewhere. Additionally, spam is prohibited in that channel as well.
Copypastas and Insensitive/Otherwise rule-breaking shitposting are not permitted anywhere. The same goes for posting an unreasonable amount of emotes/only using emotes instead of text, etc.
No NSFW PG13+ Content
As a rule of thumb, the general content in this server should be around PG-13. Sharing any messages or content that would be unsuited for younger members is not allowed. This includes pictures, links, videos, slurs, excessive swearing, abusing emoji/reactions, and gore. There is a banned word list pinned in <#516027780908056578>.
This may result in an immediate Ban.
This rule also includes NSFW (or otherwise rule-breaking) Profile Pictures, Custom Statuses, and Usernames.
Be Sincere
Questions and messages should be sincere attempts to obtain reusable information - not just to spam or gain advantage out of the server.
Do not attempt to mislead. Content should be clearly written - they should not mislead or confuse people.