

Channel Rules

- Formatting and Research -
Please put long theories into a google doc. This is to reduce spam in a channel. Make sure your theory doc is legible, well-formatted, and sound in grammar and spelling before posting. When you are theorizing, you are expected to research and be well-versed in the topic you choose. Before posting, make sure you have evidence for your theory and that you understand the canon and facts well enough to support and defend your theories, and always remember to cite your sources and check source reliability. We understand that you won't know everything and will help you if you miss something, but we expect you to at least know the basics.
- Spoilers -
For game leaks, it is necessary to have images and information in spoilers. For official announcements and released games, spoilers must be used for the time period determined by the ATs. If you don't know how to spoiler, it's an automatic option for images on desktop (if you're on mobile, have someone on desktop post it for you), and for text, it looks like this `||(insert text here)||` or by using /spoiler.
- Serious Subjects -
At this time, there are certain subjects that cannot be theorized on or require respect when handling. **Banned topics** - Theorizing using US officially-recognized religions - Theorizing about real-life current tragedies - Conspiracy theories in general **'Handle With Care' Topics** - Disabilities and Mental Health - Historical Events
- Be Nice, Be Respectful -
If you've ever been on the subreddit, you'll know this rule. When someone posts something, you are expected to be kind and respectful to them, even if you don't agree with their theory--their theory won't discredit yours, so don't attack other people with different theories. If you want to give feedback or criticism, it must be in a constructive and kind manner; no insults allowed. Finally, please do not go into a channel just to attack the game or company. Any such behavior will lead to your removal from whatever channel you are insulting.
- Quality Control-
Memes and shitpost theories belong in <#353766146115371009>. Do not discuss your own gameplay, ask to play with others, or post screenshots unless they are purely for theorizing. These channels are not for gaming, <#435437770110926848> is. Low-quality theories (bad spelling, unreadable grammar, low research, already proven wrong, low on content etc.) are also governed by this rule. As our terms guide states, a theory must have a hypothesis and supporting evidence. You can't just say ''I think (x) is (y)'' and leave it at that.
- Official Theory Videos and MatPat -
We already have places to discuss Official Videos-- <#353694243346186240>, <#735157933440106578>, and <#354759120131325963>-- so please use those, not these channels if you wish to talk about the videos. Additionally, please don’t use MatPat to defend your theory. “MatPat said (x).” We love and enjoy Mat's content, but we also acknowledge that he is neither infallible nor the creator of every game he theorizes on--MatPat is not fact, and he cannot establish something as a fact. You can use his research to build your own theories, but canon facts will overrule MatPat theories in these channels

Channel Help
This channel is moderated by <@&557981899524669472> (ATs) - If you have questions, please ask in #server-help and one will get back to you. This is also one of the channels with a Critic role! You can ping <@&633522252855377941> at any time you want feedback--the ATs also have the role, along with the community members who have volunteered and were chosen for it! If a situation requires immediate action, ping <@&497129180572418048>, <@&491782047573082143>, or <@&427801168920444938>, depending on the gravity of the situation. If a user is breaking a specific channel's rules, you should ping one of the ATs to hand out a strike.

How to Participate
The theorizing channels are all open for theorizing--However, each channel has a different topic. This channel is for any theories related to the FNaF franchise. If you want to discuss or build a theory, you can just talk in the channel. If you have a long theory you want to present, put it in a google doc and post it. You can also ping the <@&633522252855377941> role for feedback. If you want your theory evaluated for placement in the #theory-library, please post it in the channel and ping the <@&557981899524669472>. If you want to see examples of high-quality theorizing and formatting, that's the place to look. For game leaks, it is necessary to have images and information in spoilers. For official announcements and released games, spoilers must be used for the time period determined by the ATs. If you don't know how to spoiler, it's an automatic option for images on desktop (if you're on mobile, have someone on desktop post it for you), and for text it looks like this ||(insert text here)|| So, remember, follow the rules, be courteous to your fellow theorizers, and do your research!

When Comps Happen
We try to hold theorizing competitions in the channel based on topic interests. Each competition has two categories--Lore and Science. You can only enter one category. To enter, your theory must be in a doc. It will be judged on content, style, formatting, research, and clarity. We will also try to host community theorizing events to help new theorizers test the waters! If you want to be notified for comps and events, enter v?n join Theory Event Notification or send :TheoryTheory: in <#377304867686842368> to get the notification role.