Question of the (Previous) Day!

Every day we post a question that is thought provoking, educational, or just fun! Answer in this channel! Question of the (Prevous) Day is a log and repository of all previously asked question on the Game Theory Discord!

What’s the coolest thing you’ve built in a video game?

Summer 🌞 || Gay Magic Man#0

Aug. 3, 2023

Top Answers for Aug. 4, 2023

What style of gaming do you like? I.e. open world, roleplay, etc.

Summer 🌞 || Gay Magic Man#0

Aug. 3, 2023

Top Answers for Aug. 3, 2023

What’s the coolest game mechanic you’ve used so far?

Summer 🌞 || Gay Magic Man#0

Aug. 2, 2023

Top Answers for Aug. 2, 2023

What is a game that you feel is underrated?

Summer 🌞 || Gay Magic Man#0

Aug. 1, 2023

Top Answers for Aug. 1, 2023

If you could befriend one video game character, who would it be and why?

Summer 🌞 || Gay Magic Man#0

July 31, 2023

Top Answers for July 31, 2023



What’s a movie that everyone else dislikes but you like?

Summer 🌞 || Freeziac#0

July 24, 2023

Top Answers for July 30, 2023

What’s a movie that everyone else likes but you dislike?

Summer 🌞 || Freeziac#0

July 24, 2023

Top Answers for July 29, 2023

If you swapped places with a character from a TV show, who would you choose?

Summer 🌞 || Freeziac#0

July 24, 2023

Top Answers for July 28, 2023

How would you describe good writing?

Summer 🌞 || Freeziac#0

July 24, 2023

Top Answers for July 27, 2023

What’s a writing device that you can’t stand?

Summer 🌞 || Freeziac#0

July 24, 2023

Top Answers for July 26, 2023