Question of the (Previous) Day!

Every day we post a question that is thought provoking, educational, or just fun! Answer in this channel! Question of the (Prevous) Day is a log and repository of all previously asked question on the Game Theory Discord!

Which of the three laws of thermodynamics (conservation of energy, entropy, and absolute zero) is your favorite?

Spring 🌸 || Freeziac#8958

March 27, 2023

Top Answers for April 1, 2023

Which game is most nostalgic for you?

Spring 🌸 || Freeziac#8958

March 27, 2023

Top Answers for March 31, 2023

What musical instrument would you like to learn, given the time to do so?

Spring 🌸 || Freeziac#8958

March 27, 2023

Top Answers for March 30, 2023

Who is your favorite movie director?

Spring 🌸 || Freeziac#8958

March 27, 2023

Top Answers for March 29, 2023

Which TV show do you feel “jumped the shark” (stayed on for too long)?

Spring 🌸 || Freeziac#8958

March 27, 2023

Top Answers for March 28, 2023

What’s your favorite palette of colors?

Spring 🌸 || Freeziac#8958

March 27, 2023

Top Answers for March 27, 2023

Is there one place, outside, where you feel the most calm? Why do you think it’s there?

Spring 🌸 || Freeziac#8958

March 20, 2023

Top Answers for March 26, 2023

Your shoes gain a magical ability. What is it?

Spring 🌸 || Freeziac#8958

March 20, 2023

Top Answers for March 25, 2023

What’s an aspect of travel that you’d rather do without?

Spring 🌸 || Freeziac#8958

March 20, 2023

Top Answers for March 24, 2023

Why can’t you divide by zero? Wrong answers only.

Spring 🌸 || Freeziac#8958

March 20, 2023

Top Answers for March 23, 2023