Question of the (Previous) Day!

Every day we post a question that is thought provoking, educational, or just fun! Answer in this channel! Question of the (Prevous) Day is a log and repository of all previously asked question on the Game Theory Discord!

If Arc was not a cube, what shape should he be? <:ArcEyes:695120553027174410>


Aug. 4, 2022

Top Answers for Aug. 4, 2022

If you could make your very own stuffed animal, what animal would it be and what would its name be? (and any other details like color, size, etc.)


Aug. 3, 2022

Top Answers for Aug. 3, 2022

What's something you're excited for in the month of August?


Aug. 2, 2022

Top Answers for Aug. 2, 2022

If you were to be transformed into a mythical creature to live the rest of your life, what creature would it, and why?


Aug. 1, 2022

Top Answers for Aug. 1, 2022

What has been your favorite moment/memory from the month of July?


July 31, 2022

Top Answers for July 31, 2022

Worldbuilding Week Q5: The final day. You've made a world and made it something great! Now for the last step: create a cast of capricious (or cantankerous) characters that live in your world! You can make them with as much or as little detail as you like, just try to have fun imagining the types of people who'd live in your world!

Menaxelum || Cosmere Enjoyer#6550

July 26, 2022

Top Answers for July 29, 2022

Worldbuilding Week Q3: It's time to spice things up a little. Let's add some m a g i c. Create a magic system for your world! (in a sci-fi setting, maybe design some tech that serves the same function in the world) It can be powerful, or maybe technical. Maybe even something that's just silly!

Menaxelum || Cosmere Enjoyer#6550

July 26, 2022

Top Answers for July 28, 2022

Worldbuilding Week Q3: Today it's time to decide exactly who lives in your world. A hyper-advanced society of robots? Some sentient plants? How do they live? Do their cities blend into the natural environment, or bulldoze it and build something artificial and beautiful? Do they even live in cities?

Menaxelum || Cosmere Enjoyer#6550

July 26, 2022

Top Answers for July 27, 2022

Worldbuilding Week Q2: Today, you decide what your world looks like: it's geography! Is it a sprawling grassland, or a rocky, barren, windswept expanse? Does it have any special landmarks or quirks? Maybe even some crazy weather to spice it up? Or maybe some magical (or mechanical, if your world's sci-fi) fauna and flora?

Menaxelum || Cosmere Enjoyer#6550

July 26, 2022

Top Answers for July 26, 2022

Wordbuilding Week Q1: Today, the first step: name your world! What's it called, and why is it called that? Is there a history behind the name? Does it have in-world significance? Go wild!

Menaxelum || Cosmere Enjoyer#6550

July 25, 2022

Top Answers for July 25, 2022