Question of the (Previous) Day!

Every day we post a question that is thought provoking, educational, or just fun! Answer in this channel! Question of the (Prevous) Day is a log and repository of all previously asked question on the Game Theory Discord!

Wrong answers only! Who's the mind behind the Theorist Channels?

EMOD | EvilMastermindOfDoom#3864

March 20, 2022

Top Answers for March 26, 2022

Who would win: Ninjas or Pirates?

EMOD | EvilMastermindOfDoom#3864

March 17, 2022

Top Answers for March 26, 2022

What's the best way to eat strawberries? For example: pure, as ice cream, maybe in a smoothie?

EMOD | EvilMastermindOfDoom#3864

March 17, 2022

Top Answers for March 25, 2022

What is your favorite cheese?

EMOD | EvilMastermindOfDoom#3864

March 17, 2022

Top Answers for March 24, 2022

Would you rather be a super hero or a super villain? And most importantly, what would your hero or villain name be?

EMOD | EvilMastermindOfDoom#3864

March 17, 2022

Top Answers for March 23, 2022

Oh no! The Zombie Apocalypse is happening! You only have time to arm yourself with one object that is currently in the room with you. What do you pick?

EMOD | EvilMastermindOfDoom#3864

March 17, 2022

Top Answers for March 22, 2022

What's most cursed (edible) pizza topic you can think of?

EMOD | EvilMastermindOfDoom#3864

March 17, 2022

Top Answers for March 21, 2022

What's heavier: A pound of steel or a pound of feathers?

EMOD | EvilMastermindOfDoom#3864

March 20, 2022

Top Answers for March 20, 2022


steel is heavier than feathers


Pound of feathers

If you could create a machine to do any *one* task from your day to day life for you, what task would you give it?

EMOD | EvilMastermindOfDoom#3864

March 10, 2022

Top Answers for March 19, 2022

What's your favorite trashy movie?

EMOD | EvilMastermindOfDoom#3864

March 10, 2022

Top Answers for March 18, 2022