Question of the (Previous) Day!

Every day we post a question that is thought provoking, educational, or just fun! Answer in this channel! Question of the (Prevous) Day is a log and repository of all previously asked question on the Game Theory Discord!

What’s a game that isn’t very good but you still have nostalgia for?

Summer ☀ || Gay Magic Man#0

June 17, 2024

Top Answers for June 18, 2024

What game has your least favorite art style?

Summer ☀ || Gay Magic Man#0

June 17, 2024

Top Answers for June 17, 2024

What’s the best example of good writing in a video game?

Summer ☀ || Gay Magic Man#0

June 10, 2024

Top Answers for June 16, 2024

What is your least favorite song by your favorite artist?

Summer ☀ || Gay Magic Man#0

June 10, 2024

Top Answers for June 15, 2024

What’s your favorite line in a video game?

Summer ☀ || Gay Magic Man#0

June 10, 2024

Top Answers for June 14, 2024

What is your favorite song within a musical?

Summer ☀ || Gay Magic Man#0

June 10, 2024

Top Answers for June 13, 2024

What’s the coolest art style you’ve seen in a game, and why do you like it?

Summer ☀ || Gay Magic Man#0

June 10, 2024

Top Answers for June 12, 2024

Have you been to a live concert before, and who did you see?

Summer ☀ || Gay Magic Man#0

June 10, 2024

Top Answers for June 11, 2024

What is your favorite past video game console?

Summer ☀ || Gay Magic Man#0

June 10, 2024

Top Answers for June 10, 2024

If all math topics were distilled into two camps, calculus or algebra, which one would you avoid?

Summer ☀ || Gay Magic Man#0

June 3, 2024

Top Answers for June 9, 2024