Question of the (Previous) Day!

Every day we post a question that is thought provoking, educational, or just fun! Answer in this channel! Question of the (Prevous) Day is a log and repository of all previously asked question on the Game Theory Discord!

You've been tasked with coming up with a new constellation in the night sky! What do you name it? (Bonus points for describing the constellation itself)

EMOD | EvilMastermindOfDoom#3864

March 3, 2022

Top Answers for March 7, 2022


The Travelers Lantern. A constellation forming around the North Star that depicts an old candle lit lantern. The legend for it could be a merchant wandered up into the realm of the gods but lost his lamp in the stars.

What's your favorite snack and why?

EMOD | EvilMastermindOfDoom#3864

March 2, 2022

Top Answers for March 6, 2022

Would you rather go 100 years into the future or 100 years into the past?

EMOD | EvilMastermindOfDoom#3864

March 2, 2022

Top Answers for March 5, 2022

You have to paint every wall in your house one color forever. Which one do you choose?

EMOD | EvilMastermindOfDoom#3864

March 2, 2022

Top Answers for March 4, 2022

You've been accepted into a non-copyrighted Magic School! Students are allowed to bring one of the following pets: A Raven, a Turtle, a Raccoon, or a Duck. Which one do you choose and what do you name it?

EMOD | EvilMastermindOfDoom#3864

Feb. 23, 2022

Top Answers for March 3, 2022

Let's settle the age old question: Cats or Dogs? Or the secret third option, Foxes? (Remember to be civil ya goobers)

EMOD | EvilMastermindOfDoom#3864

Feb. 23, 2022

Top Answers for March 2, 2022


<:emodboi:695120564209319948> need I say more


Doggos (y'all's opinions and preferences are valid)

What's your favorite condiment?

EMOD | EvilMastermindOfDoom#3864

Feb. 23, 2022

Top Answers for March 1, 2022

The Galactic Empire is having a bit of an image crisis. Somehow calling a planet destroying space station "Deathstar" doesn't make you very popular with people who live on planets. What do you rename the space station to in order to gain public approval?

EMOD | EvilMastermindOfDoom#3864

Feb. 23, 2022

Top Answers for Feb. 28, 2022


The Friendly Awesome Kind Empire's Station, F.A.K.E.S for short

If all planets and moons in our solar system were habitable, which one would you like to live on?

EMOD | EvilMastermindOfDoom#3864

Feb. 23, 2022

Top Answers for Feb. 27, 2022


Saturn, get those awesome rings, nice views of Jupiter, and plenty of moons to vacation on.


Earth has all the living needs, going to a planet that is habitable still does not me it is enjoyable. Earth has all the stuff we need and is simply the superior planet that can supply for all our needs. But that also won't stop me from vacationing to Saturn or Pluto

What's one specific piece of furniture that you want for your perfect home?

EMOD | EvilMastermindOfDoom#3864

Feb. 23, 2022

Top Answers for Feb. 26, 2022