Question of the (Previous) Day!

Every day we post a question that is thought provoking, educational, or just fun! Answer in this channel! Question of the (Prevous) Day is a log and repository of all previously asked question on the Game Theory Discord!

Congratulations you won an all expense paid vacation to.a destination of your choice where are you going?


Feb. 26, 2024

Top Answers for March 7, 2024


Hmm if this would be an option I would tour of all major archaeological sites and big history museums in Egypt and Europe as a whole (with a focus on the roman world, but not only)


Just because this is a cool idea I had, Jules Verne 200th birthday would be in 2028 and to mark it a 80 day trip around the world to wherever I want

What is an animal that you would not want to animorph into?


Feb. 26, 2024

Top Answers for March 6, 2024


Todays QOTD is brought to you by: Literacy.


My first thought was "holy shit I don't want to be a magicarp" even though it's not an animal


male octopus

Do you watch anime if so what show have you been watching?


Feb. 26, 2024

Top Answers for March 5, 2024


Avatar the Last Airbender <:smuganimegirl:695120565866070097> /j


I guess top 5 would be: Solo Leveling Shangri-La Frontier Frieren Unwanted Undead Adventurer Villainess Level 99


Trigun, Bocci The Rock, and a bunch that i technically started but never kept watching

What is your least used streaming service? PLEASE ONLY LIST LEGAL SERVICES.


Feb. 26, 2024

Top Answers for March 4, 2024


Paramount +, got it for Halo, stopped 3 episodes in and haven't used it since

Have you ever watched the angryvideogamenerd? Did you know there was a game theory on him?


Feb. 26, 2024

Top Answers for March 3, 2024

Have you watched the award winning websites red vs blue if so did you like it?


Feb. 26, 2024

Top Answers for March 2, 2024


**Simmons:** You ever wonder why they’re watching this series? **Grif:** It's one of life's great mysteries isn't it? Why are they watching it? I mean, is it the product of some greater franchise, or is there really a Red vs Blue universe encompassing everything? You know, with a plan for us and stuff. I don't know, man, but it keeps me up at night. **Simmons:** ...What?! I mean why are we out here, in this canyon? **Grif:** Oh. Uh... yeah. **Simmons:** What was all that stuff about franchises?

If you were a pasta dish, what sauce would be on top of you?

Winter ❄ || Gay Magic Man#0

Feb. 22, 2024

Top Answers for March 1, 2024

If you were a beef wellington, how raw would you be?

Winter ❄ || Gay Magic Man#0

Feb. 22, 2024

Top Answers for Feb. 29, 2024


Entirely done. Fuck you.

If you were an onion, how many layers would you have?

Winter ❄ || Gay Magic Man#0

Feb. 22, 2024

Top Answers for Feb. 28, 2024



If you were a smoothie, what fruits would be inside you?

Winter ❄ || Gay Magic Man#0

Feb. 22, 2024

Top Answers for Feb. 27, 2024


Aren’t I fruity enough <:smuganimegirl:695120565866070097> /j