Question of the (Previous) Day!

Every day we post a question that is thought provoking, educational, or just fun! Answer in this channel! Question of the (Prevous) Day is a log and repository of all previously asked question on the Game Theory Discord!

What's the best to listen to, your heart, your head, or your gut?


April 3, 2024

Top Answers for April 14, 2024

Apples or bananas?

lightish red Ink#0

April 10, 2024

Top Answers for April 13, 2024

Fact of the week Today: 63 years ago the first man went to space. Question of the day: What's some fun space facts that you know?

lightish red Ink#0

April 8, 2024

Top Answers for April 12, 2024

What fantasy mount would you want to own?

lightish red Ink#0

April 5, 2024

Top Answers for April 11, 2024

If you could design any film, style, food, game, or GTlive merch, what type of merch would you design?


April 3, 2024

Top Answers for April 10, 2024

If you were a supervillain, what would your entrance theme song be?

Nox | Nap of 10000 Sleepies#0

April 3, 2024

Top Answers for April 8, 2024


Voodoo child/I can’t decide


As a strong believer in juxtaposition, it would have to be ABBAs Mamma Mia. Here we go again.

What’s the first video game you remember playing (if any)?


April 3, 2024

Top Answers for April 7, 2024

What piece of advice do you have for your fellow theorists?

Nox | Nap of 10000 Sleepies#0

April 3, 2024

Top Answers for April 6, 2024




Making all of your jokes and memes about FNAF is very unfunny. And in general, don't make it your whole personality please.

What do you enjoy that others do not?


April 3, 2024

Top Answers for April 5, 2024


Scream 3. And learning about WW2


I guess Times New Roman. It's a very nice looking font.

What is your favorite Pokemon?


April 3, 2024

Top Answers for April 4, 2024