Question of the (Previous) Day!

Every day we post a question that is thought provoking, educational, or just fun! Answer in this channel! Question of the (Prevous) Day is a log and repository of all previously asked question on the Game Theory Discord!

If you could never drink a drink of your choice again what drink would that be?


March 19, 2024

Top Answers for March 19, 2024


gasoline, or similar, seems like the obvious answer here


Anything that will kill me

Whats the oldest peice of literature that you've read?


March 18, 2024

Top Answers for March 18, 2024


in full: The Scottish Play, parts of probably some roman or greek source in my history course, most likely relating to cleopatra, alough i was trying to learn egyptian hyiroglyphs for fun a while ago which used inscriptions from monuments if that counts

Did you read graphic novels as a kid? If so which was your favorite stand-alone graphic novel or series?


March 15, 2024

Top Answers for March 17, 2024

Have you ever played a final fantasy game if so which ones your favorite? (please don't spoil 16 and rebirth)


March 15, 2024

Top Answers for March 16, 2024


hello gamers I’ve played too much FF for my own good

Red or blue?


March 15, 2024

Top Answers for March 15, 2024


pink idiot


Red, of course. Ctrl+Alt+Bingo! Besides, *somebody* has to poison Grif's next meal. Might as well be me. >_>


Master Chief is on blue team, just saying

What is your favorite pie?

Spring 🌸 || Gay Magic Man#0

March 14, 2024

Top Answers for March 14, 2024


KEY LIME key lime literally one of if nto the best desserts out there

What is one movie adaptive that everyone hates but you love?


Feb. 26, 2024

Top Answers for March 11, 2024

What upcoming movie are you looking forward to most?


Feb. 26, 2024

Top Answers for March 10, 2024

Are there any upcoming video games that you are looking forward to?


Feb. 26, 2024

Top Answers for March 9, 2024


but besides rebirth definitely shadow of the erdtree

Do you listen to podcasts if so which is your favorite one you listen to?


Feb. 26, 2024

Top Answers for March 8, 2024