Question of the (Previous) Day!

Every day we post a question that is thought provoking, educational, or just fun! Answer in this channel! Question of the (Prevous) Day is a log and repository of all previously asked question on the Game Theory Discord!

What's your favorite Zelda game?


Feb. 2, 2024

Top Answers for Feb. 5, 2024


Spirit Tracks sweep


skyward sword. it's my first love and i would take any excuse at all as a kid to act like i had a sword to fight people with, and it was an amazing outlet for that.

What’s been the most interesting museum you’ve visited?

Winter ❄ || Gay Magic Man#0

Jan. 30, 2024

Top Answers for Feb. 4, 2024


Its a mix between the South Wales Aviation Museum (I volunteer there now), the National Railway Museum in York, The Naval Air Fleet Museum or Bovington Tank Museum

What is your favorite fantasy book series?

Winter ❄ || Gay Magic Man#0

Jan. 30, 2024

Top Answers for Feb. 3, 2024


Percy Jackson or Good Omens (especially good omens)


I am Once Again advocating for Skulduggery Pleasant

You are magically transformed into a Nintendo Mii, and can freely roam a console of your wish. What game or activity would you do first?

Winter ❄ || Gay Magic Man#0

Jan. 30, 2024

Top Answers for Feb. 2, 2024


Either head into a Pokemon title, or run on over to Nintendo Land and experience that beautiful nostalgia in reality Or even Wii Sports Resort, or Miitopia-- lots of amazing options


Imma go to the Mii channel and make an army of clones of myself before I scatter as far and wide as I can. Why choose just one? I want to join every single game I can reach, then every single console I can reach by proxy. Every computer if I manage to spread to an emulator and access myself as a file. I will conquer the world, both real and virtual

What’s the coolest (not temperature-wise) environment on the planet?

Winter ❄ || Gay Magic Man#0

Jan. 30, 2024

Top Answers for Feb. 1, 2024


*My room after someone else touches the thermostat*


A 7/11 at 2am

What’s the cutest animal on the planet?

Winter ❄ || Gay Magic Man#0

Jan. 30, 2024

Top Answers for Jan. 31, 2024




Any baby animals

You befriended a wild animal! Which animal would it be?

Winter ❄ || Gay Magic Man#0

Jan. 30, 2024

Top Answers for Jan. 30, 2024

Did you know that a fair well site was made to say goodbye to Matpat if not check <#356205701351211030> for more info relating to how to post fanart peices and tribute videos will also be found in <#356205701351211030> . Otherwise this is the link to the site which has Discord and Twitter(X) login And as always to all of those who made this and to all of those who have participated thank you as were showing Matpat together how much he matters to us.


Jan. 24, 2024

Top Answers for Jan. 29, 2024

If I made a device that rid the world of white chocolate, would you be upset?

Winter ❄ || Gay Magic Man#0

Jan. 24, 2024

Top Answers for Jan. 28, 2024

Who is your favorite author?

Winter ❄ || Gay Magic Man#0

Jan. 24, 2024

Top Answers for Jan. 27, 2024