Question of the (Previous) Day!

Every day we post a question that is thought provoking, educational, or just fun! Answer in this channel! Question of the (Prevous) Day is a log and repository of all previously asked question on the Game Theory Discord!

What is your favorite kind of pasta?

Winter ❄ || Gay Magic Man#0

Jan. 24, 2024

Top Answers for Jan. 26, 2024

If you could change the number of meals everyone had per day, how many would you choose?

Winter ❄ || Gay Magic Man#0

Jan. 24, 2024

Top Answers for Jan. 25, 2024

What’s your favorite condiment?

Winter ❄ || Gay Magic Man#0

Jan. 24, 2024

Top Answers for Jan. 24, 2024

What is your favorite in house activity on a cold winter day?


Jan. 19, 2024

Top Answers for Jan. 20, 2024

With many returning or have returned to school what are you looking forward to most for this part of the school year?


Jan. 18, 2024

Top Answers for Jan. 19, 2024

If you could go to any period of history which period are you going to?


Jan. 15, 2024

Top Answers for Jan. 15, 2024

What's your favorite pokemon generation?


Jan. 9, 2024

Top Answers for Jan. 9, 2024

Have you ever watched Toonami?


Jan. 6, 2024

Top Answers for Jan. 7, 2024

Did you watch Cartoon Network growing up?


Jan. 6, 2024

Top Answers for Jan. 6, 2024

Have you ever had Thai food if so what do you like?


Jan. 4, 2024

Top Answers for Jan. 4, 2024