Question of the (Previous) Day!

Every day we post a question that is thought provoking, educational, or just fun! Answer in this channel! Question of the (Prevous) Day is a log and repository of all previously asked question on the Game Theory Discord!

What is a game that you are looking forward to?

Spring 🌸 || Freeziac#8958

March 6, 2023

Top Answers for March 12, 2023

Which gemstone embodies your personality?

Spring 🌸 || Freeziac#8958

March 6, 2023

Top Answers for March 11, 2023

How long is the ideal vacation?

Spring 🌸 || Freeziac#8958

March 6, 2023

Top Answers for March 10, 2023

What would your ideal magical or non-magical weapon be against zombies?

Spring 🌸 || Freeziac#8958

March 6, 2023

Top Answers for March 9, 2023

What’s your favorite type of cloud?

Spring 🌸 || Freeziac#8958

March 6, 2023

Top Answers for March 8, 2023

Is cereal a soup?

Spring 🌸 || Freeziac#8958

March 6, 2023

Top Answers for March 7, 2023

Do you pour milk or tea first?


March 6, 2023

Top Answers for March 6, 2023

What makes a character likable to you?

Winter ⛄ || Freeziac#8958

Feb. 27, 2023

Top Answers for March 5, 2023

What’s a movie that you’re looking forward to?

Winter ⛄ || Freeziac#8958

Feb. 27, 2023

Top Answers for March 4, 2023

A group of sirens is trying to lead you astray. What would they tempt you with?

Winter ⛄ || Freeziac#8958

Feb. 27, 2023

Top Answers for March 3, 2023