Question of the (Previous) Day!

Every day we post a question that is thought provoking, educational, or just fun! Answer in this channel! Question of the (Prevous) Day is a log and repository of all previously asked question on the Game Theory Discord!

What’s your ideal weather?

Winter ⛄ || Freeziac#8958

Feb. 27, 2023

Top Answers for March 2, 2023

What is your favorite rock?

Winter ⛄ || Freeziac#8958

Feb. 27, 2023

Top Answers for March 1, 2023

Are you a chocolate flavor or fruit flavor ice cream person (or any other frozen dessert for that matter)?

Winter ⛄ || Freeziac#8958

Feb. 27, 2023

Top Answers for Feb. 28, 2023

What is your favorite dessert?

Winter ⛄ || Freeziac#8958

Feb. 27, 2023

Top Answers for Feb. 27, 2023

What is an A-list bread that you think everyone should try?

Winter ⛄ || Freeziac#8958

Feb. 20, 2023

Top Answers for Feb. 26, 2023

You’re locked in a room with only two doors. One is a plain white door with a copper doorknob. The other is a spruce wood door with an obsidian handle. Which one do you enter and why?

Winter ⛄ || Freeziac#8958

Feb. 20, 2023

Top Answers for Feb. 25, 2023

You can have an unlimited supply of one element. Which would you choose?

Winter ⛄ || Freeziac#8958

Feb. 20, 2023

Top Answers for Feb. 24, 2023

What game will turn you into a bloodthirsty, competitive monster?

Winter ⛄ || Freeziac#8958

Feb. 20, 2023

Top Answers for Feb. 23, 2023

What makes you like a song?

Winter ⛄ || Freeziac#8958

Feb. 20, 2023

Top Answers for Feb. 22, 2023

What is your favorite movie genre and why?

Winter ⛄ || Freeziac#8958

Feb. 20, 2023

Top Answers for Feb. 21, 2023