Question of the (Previous) Day!

Every day we post a question that is thought provoking, educational, or just fun! Answer in this channel! Question of the (Prevous) Day is a log and repository of all previously asked question on the Game Theory Discord!

If garlic keeps vampires away, and apples keep doctors away, what do other fruits and vegetables keep away?

Debs ⬡ Bestagon Leader#6709

June 9, 2022

Top Answers for June 9, 2022

If you could create a new fruit by combining any existing fruit, what would you combine? And what's the name of your creation?

EMOD | Turn off the reply ping#3864

June 8, 2022

Top Answers for June 8, 2022

More rainbow questions! It's said that there's treasure buried at the end of a rainbow. Against common lore, it's not actually a pot of gold - so what is it instead?

EMOD | Turn off the reply ping#3864

June 7, 2022

Top Answers for June 7, 2022

Trademarked Candy aside, what does a rainbow taste like?

EMOD | Turn off the reply ping#3864

June 6, 2022

Top Answers for June 6, 2022

Have you ever been to a Pride Parade before? If not would you ever consider it?


June 5, 2022

Top Answers for June 5, 2022

It’s finally pride month! Whats one way you want to show pride this month (that you’re comfortable with, that is)?


June 2, 2022

Top Answers for June 4, 2022

What is your least favorite movie or book or song, etc.?


May 24, 2022

Top Answers for June 2, 2022

It’s finally June! Yay!!! What’s one thing you’d do if you lived in a world without computers, cellphones, smart phones, laptops, basically any technology? (Oh and there no internet, you cannot invent the internet, and you can’t invent technology. You are off the grid.)

Hawk | Old School Degen#3545

May 20, 2022

Top Answers for June 1, 2022

You stand in front of a blank canvas. The canvas has a little note on it saying “paint me”. Noticing that you have every brush you can conceive in the closet behind you, what would you paint?

Hawk | Old School Degen#3545

May 20, 2022

Top Answers for May 31, 2022

Hey you! Yeah you! Let’s just take a moment and appreciate how awesome you are. Okay, I hope you enjoyed your moment. What’s one compliment you’d give yourself? (We know you’re friendly, what else you got?) We appreciate you!

Hawk | Old School Degen#3545

May 20, 2022

Top Answers for May 30, 2022