Question of the (Previous) Day!

Every day we post a question that is thought provoking, educational, or just fun! Answer in this channel! Question of the (Prevous) Day is a log and repository of all previously asked question on the Game Theory Discord!

If you could make a Scooby sandwich what would you put in it? Would it be a sextuple decker peanut butter and banana sandwich with strawberry preserves? Maybe a towering B.L.T.M.A.P. with a pickle and fries? Get creative!

Hawk | Old School Degen#3545

May 20, 2022

Top Answers for May 29, 2022

Soooo… the zombies got you. Oops… But hey! Being a zombie could be cool right? What would you do as a zombie? (Yes yes I know about zombies being technically undead and not living, but you’re a smart zombie with a lovely personality)

Hawk | Old School Degen#3545

May 20, 2022

Top Answers for May 28, 2022

You rush off to your car and climb in. You slam the door behind you knowing danger approaches with the zombies on your tail. Reaching over to the passenger side seat there lays your backpack that you packed before things hit the fan. What did you pack to survive?

Hawk | Old School Degen#3545

May 20, 2022

Top Answers for May 27, 2022

It’s finally summer! (Or at least very late spring) What’s one thing you want to do this summer?

Hawk | Old School Degen#3545

May 20, 2022

Top Answers for May 26, 2022

What’s a dream you’ve always had for your life? What inspired this dream?

Hawk | Old School Degen#3545

May 20, 2022

Top Answers for May 25, 2022

The Author decides to write a book on your life so far, what is its first sentence?

AionaManabi | 学び#9359

May 20, 2022

Top Answers for May 24, 2022

If you could have one thing in life without having to work for it(it can be money, health, love), what would you choose?


May 20, 2022

Top Answers for May 23, 2022

What's your villain song?

Dont be a Problemagon#6959

May 20, 2022

Top Answers for May 22, 2022

What’s your favorite style of QotD? Broad open answer questions, multiple choice, or quirky?

Hawk | Old School Degen#3545

May 20, 2022

Top Answers for May 21, 2022

What’s one animal you think is really cute?

Hawk | Old School Degen#3545

May 20, 2022

Top Answers for May 20, 2022