Question of the (Previous) Day!

Every day we post a question that is thought provoking, educational, or just fun! Answer in this channel! Question of the (Prevous) Day is a log and repository of all previously asked question on the Game Theory Discord!

Between the ability to see 1000 years into the past or 10 years into the future - without being able to change either - which do you choose?

EMOD | EvilMastermindOfDoom#3864

April 25, 2022

Top Answers for April 26, 2022

Let's do a classic: What's your favorite Disney Movie? (Counting only movies that were produced _while_ the franchise was Disney property; for example the original Star Wars movies do not count.)

EMOD | EvilMastermindOfDoom#3864

April 25, 2022

Top Answers for April 25, 2022



What is the weirdest candy bar flavor you've had? (Can be any brand)

Hawk | Old School Degen#3545

April 19, 2022

Top Answers for April 24, 2022

Final Video Game Question: This has been the Video Game QOTD series. Let's finish with a look towards the future: What new technologies do you hope will be used in video games in the future?

EMOD | EvilMastermindOfDoom#3864

April 17, 2022

Top Answers for April 23, 2022

Anti Video Game Question: What's the thing you dislike most about video games?

EMOD | EvilMastermindOfDoom#3864

April 17, 2022

Top Answers for April 22, 2022

Another Video Game Question: You can live in any video game world of your choice, but you have to be on the antagonists side. Which game do you choose?

EMOD | EvilMastermindOfDoom#3864

April 17, 2022

Top Answers for April 21, 2022

Another Video Game Question (bet you didn't see this one coming): What's your favorite Boss in any video game?

EMOD | EvilMastermindOfDoom#3864

April 17, 2022

Top Answers for April 20, 2022

Another Video Game Question: What's your favorite common enemy (so no bosses) in any video game?

EMOD | EvilMastermindOfDoom#3864

April 17, 2022

Top Answers for April 19, 2022

Let's do some video game related questions! If you were a Pokémon, what type(s) would you have? Don't know anything about Pokémon? Don't worry! Just make some up!

EMOD | EvilMastermindOfDoom#3864

April 17, 2022

Top Answers for April 18, 2022

Over 80% of the ocean has not been explored yet. What kinds of creatures do you think we'll discover once we go there?

EMOD | EvilMastermindOfDoom#3864

April 11, 2022

Top Answers for April 17, 2022