Question of the (Previous) Day!

Every day we post a question that is thought provoking, educational, or just fun! Answer in this channel! Question of the (Prevous) Day is a log and repository of all previously asked question on the Game Theory Discord!

What's one meal you can cook that you're proud of? Feel free to share the recipe in <#528253600682737685> if you'd like!

EMOD | EvilMastermindOfDoom#3864

April 11, 2022

Top Answers for April 16, 2022

If you had your own talk show, who would you want to invite as a guest? If you say MatPat, you're legally obligated to give a second answer.

EMOD | EvilMastermindOfDoom#3864

April 11, 2022

Top Answers for April 14, 2022

If you came with a warning label, what would it say?

EMOD | EvilMastermindOfDoom#3864

April 9, 2022

Top Answers for April 13, 2022

How would you like to obtain the ability to fly? Eg wings, a jetpack, or your own private plane?

EMOD | EvilMastermindOfDoom#3864

April 9, 2022

Top Answers for April 12, 2022

If you could add a sport to the olympics, which would you choose?

EMOD | EvilMastermindOfDoom#3864

April 9, 2022

Top Answers for April 11, 2022

What's your favorite meme/joke of all time?

EMOD | EvilMastermindOfDoom#3864

April 2, 2022

Top Answers for April 10, 2022

What kind of weather represents you best?

EMOD | EvilMastermindOfDoom#3864

April 2, 2022

Top Answers for April 9, 2022

You're locked in a room with five doors. One made out of stone, one of steel, one out of copper, one out of gold, and one made out of wood. You may only open one door to try and escape. Which one do you choose?

EMOD | EvilMastermindOfDoom#3864

April 2, 2022

Top Answers for April 8, 2022

How many pillows do you sleep with?

EMOD | EvilMastermindOfDoom#3864

April 2, 2022

Top Answers for April 7, 2022


I have 6 if you include my BlÄhaj

What's your favorite sound?

EMOD | EvilMastermindOfDoom#3864

April 2, 2022

Top Answers for April 6, 2022