Question of the (Previous) Day!

Every day we post a question that is thought provoking, educational, or just fun! Answer in this channel! Question of the (Prevous) Day is a log and repository of all previously asked question on the Game Theory Discord!

What's your _least_ favorite dinosaur?

EMOD | EvilMastermindOfDoom

Feb. 12, 2022

Top Answers for Feb. 14, 2022

It's Valentines Day! What's your favorite heart-shaped object?

EMOD | EvilMastermindOfDoom

Feb. 12, 2022

Top Answers for Feb. 13, 2022

On a scale from humans (2) to Octopi (8) what's the best amount of arms to have? (Assume you are bipedal.)

EMOD | EvilMastermindOfDoom

Feb. 12, 2022

Top Answers for Feb. 13, 2022

What pastry would you like to dedicate a holiday to? <:emodboi:695120564209319948>

EMOD | EvilMastermindOfDoom

Feb. 10, 2022

Top Answers for Feb. 12, 2022

Weird and oddball question for y'all today: whats your favorite kind of cracker and why?

Hawk | Directing Disaster

Feb. 10, 2022

Top Answers for Feb. 10, 2022


*cinnamon graham crackers*

You encounter while walking through the magical forest, like a totally normal person, a fox sitting on a stump looking at you. You approach it and it seems okay with your presence. The fox begins to speak English to you, and you are taken aback by this magical phenomenon! What does the fox say? (No, it’s not ring-ding-ding-ding…)

Hawk | Directing Disaster

Feb. 9, 2022

Top Answers for Feb. 9, 2022


"Hey, got any grapes?"


"Look at me: **stop** overpaying for used cars. Instead, go to Carfax: The #1 Trusted Car Dealer in the Enchanted Forest."

Since we missed yesterday, todays QotD is a two-fer (it’s like one-fer, but better)! If you had the choice would you have a smart house or a house that’s off the grid? (Electronics are fine, but if you put any computers in a house that’s off the grid, you are then *on* the grid btw) If you could escape to a house anywhere you want for a weekend where would this house be?

Hawk | Directing Disaster

Feb. 8, 2022

Top Answers for Feb. 8, 2022


Mountains, off grid house

What’s your favorite kind of crystal and why? I think they “rock” <:smuganimegirl:695120565866070097>

Hawk | Directing Disaster

Feb. 6, 2022

Top Answers for Feb. 6, 2022

What’s your favorite sea creature/animal and why? There’s so many to choose from!

Hawk | Directing Disaster

Feb. 5, 2022

Top Answers for Feb. 5, 2022


Ive been wondering why everyones favorite animal is aquatic and then I reread the question. Good thing mine was semiaquatic already <:EmodSmug:695120562275745862> Bullet Dodged

Today is National make a vacuum day! Happy vacuum making y’all! On that note, what is your favorite “national” day? It can be a legit holiday or a fun day (some of these days are weird ngl)

Hawk | Directing Disaster

Feb. 4, 2022

Top Answers for Feb. 4, 2022