Question of the (Previous) Day!

Every day we post a question that is thought provoking, educational, or just fun! Answer in this channel! Question of the (Prevous) Day is a log and repository of all previously asked question on the Game Theory Discord!

It’s been a while. Todays qotd is going to be a general check in: How are y’all doin today? Are you excited for anything this month? Did you know that you’re awesome? <:StrangeSignificant:695120564666499122>

Hawk | Directing Disaster

Feb. 3, 2022

Top Answers for Feb. 3, 2022

Random question today: What’s your favorite type of bread and why? (Bread puns get you cool points)

Hawk | Directing Disaster

Jan. 31, 2022

Top Answers for Jan. 31, 2022


Pala I am here to appreciate your joke, good job


Pain <:bettereyes:695120552989556816>


Pain <:bettereyes:695120552989556816>

Since we missed yesterday ~~again, shhhhh~~ today shall be a two-fer! It’s like a one-fer, but better. You find a mysterious notebook sitting on your desk (it’s not a death note) and you choose to open it up. What does this note book have in it? What do you choose to write in it next?

Hawk | Directing Disaster

Jan. 30, 2022

Top Answers for Jan. 30, 2022

Since we missed yesterday, here’s a two-fer (it’s like a one-fer, but better). What is your favorite vacation spot and what is your favorite vacation pass time?

Hawk | Directing Disaster

Jan. 28, 2022

Top Answers for Jan. 28, 2022

What has been your favorite question of the day question in this server and why?

Hawk | Directing Disaster

Jan. 26, 2022

Top Answers for Jan. 26, 2022


I've thought they were all pretty fun so far

What’s the coolest art supply, musical instruments, or computer program you’ve used?

Hawk | Directing Disaster

Jan. 25, 2022

Top Answers for Jan. 25, 2022


The slickest Steinway Grand Piano ever.

Whats a color that you’ve always wanted to paint your room, or any other room, with and why?

Hawk | Directing Disaster

Jan. 24, 2022

Top Answers for Jan. 24, 2022

What is your favorite nerdy topic to talk about? (Ie: Star Wars, Marvel, Coding, etc.)

Hawk | Directing Disaster

Jan. 22, 2022

Top Answers for Jan. 22, 2022

If you could invent a new scented soap, what it smell like? (Bonus points of you give it a cool name)

Hawk | Directing Disaster

Jan. 21, 2022

Top Answers for Jan. 21, 2022


Coal scented soap, call it the "Stereotypical american dad"

Today we have many varieties of Mac and Cheese. It’s kinda like pizza toppings, everyone is different. From the cheese to… whatever you put in it (I hope it’s cheese). What’s your favorite Mac and Cheese recipe you’ve had?

Hawk | Directing Disaster

Jan. 20, 2022

Top Answers for Jan. 20, 2022